Although the basic and the strongest polarities seem to be irreconcilable opposites, they are not. Polarity consists of a pair of opposite poles of One, they are two extremes of the same concept, which create and define each other. In this universe the existence of one polarity is impossible without its polar opposite. There is no advancing without retreating, weight without lightness and having without non-having. A man is able to appreciate a positive polarity in the measure in which he experienced the negative one and vice versa. This law has great importance for every kind of therapy and Spiritual development.
Judging from the historical point of view, in the mythologies of many people, primordial dualism is represented as the separation of heaven and earth, sun and moon, male and female, the cosmic principle. In epistemology (the study or a theory of the nature and grounds for knowledge) it is the separation of subject and object, an observer and the observed, knower and an object of knowledge. In ontology (a theory about the nature of being or the kinds of existence), dualism is presented as separation of "I" and "Non-I", "I" from other beings, in essence "I" from everything else. In religion we can see duality of creed and infidelity, grace of God and demonic seduction, God's omnipotence and human trifle. All our social values are experienced in pairs of opposites: success is opposite failure, strength and weakness, agressiveness and tolerance. Polarity is also evident in esthetics: beautiful and ugly, acceptable and unacceptable, decent and indecent, adequate and inadequate.
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